
The three camping chairs we will use are going to be provided by Lauren. These are the seats our characters will sit on as they talk and are used to show that they are a group of friends.
The tent in the background of the shots will be used to show the characters are staying out in the middle of the field- emphasising the 'rural' part of Rural Superheroes. It will also show how they are an odd, different group of people. Lauren will provide the tent.
The guitar will be used to emphasise the farmer character's personality as well as to bring some diegetic sound to the opening. The guitar will be provided by Lauren and the music will be edited in later.
-Notepad and pen for register
The register will be used to help let the audience know the character's names in a different way from most films, as well as show how they are an odd group of people. The notepad and pen will be provided by Sian.
-Old fashioned mobile phone
The old fashioned mobile phone will be used to progress the plot and to connote with how the nerd character is not up to date with technology. As said before, this will be provided by Amy.
-Sian Hayler-Magenis
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