Wednesday 2 May 2012

Final Cut

This is our final cut. Alterations have been made such as the film's main title (made to stand out more, in response to audience feedback) and other details such as sound errors have been rectified.

- Amy Bowman, Leyla Cindil, Lauren Tween and Sian Hayler-Magenis

Monday 30 April 2012

Rough Cut 2 Feedback

We received some feedback from our target audience age on our second rough cut in order to work out what we need to improve with our final cut. Feedback was received from the rest of the media class and a form group.

Feedback from 16/17 year olds

Good feedback:
  • They like the pan at the beginning and the use of music
  • The sound quality is good- you can tell what the characters are saying without the volume being too low
  • They said there was a good variety of camera shots
  • Good use of mise-en-scene with costume and setting
  • Pacing needs to be made a bit faster
  • The font of the titles could be changed
Feedback from 15/16 year olds

Good feedback:
  • Most of them said they would want to see the rest of it
  • They said the scene was established well
  • The camera was steady
  • Good use of sound
  • Not everyone would've wanted to see the rest- this shows how not everyone will enjoy our film opening
  • They hoped the pace would pick up
Feedback from 13yr old

Good feedback:
  • Actors spoke loud and clearly, could understand them.
  • Liked the funny costumes
  • How they sat altogether near the tent - like a circle of friendship.
  • Make the actors learn their lines more beforhand
  • To see who was on the other side of the phone.

We will use this information in order to make changes and improvements necessary for our final piece in order to create the best film opening possible with what we have.

-Leyla Cindil, Sian Hayler-Magenis.

Rough Cut 2

This is our second rough cut for our film opening for Rural Superheroes.
It is important to create at least one rough cut before making the final film opening. By creating rough cuts, it enables us to see what works and to experiment with different shots, music and editing in general.

- Lauren Tween, Amy Bowman, Sian Hayler-Magenis, Leyla Cindil

Rough Cut 1 Feedback

Good feedback:
  • Find it fairly funny
  • Want to see what happens next
Suggestions for improvement:
  • Make all titles pun names (as only having some gets confusing) or normal names
-Lauren Tween

Sunday 29 April 2012

Rough Cut 1

This is our first rough cut.

- Sian Hayler-Magenis, Leyla Cindil, Amy Bowman and Lauren Tween

Wednesday 25 April 2012

Filming Schedule

Our filming schedule will be set for 10.30am until around 12.30pm on Sunday 25th March. We will inform our actors a few days ahead of time to let them know the details and to rearrange things if necessary.

The actors will be 30 minutes later than the rest of us, to allow us time to set up and organise things beforehand- such as sort out tea in a flask. We will arrange to inform the actors of what we are going to be doing, what we will need to bring (props such as the tent, chairs, etc.) as well as give them their scripts and answer any queries or concerns they may have. Time will also be needed in order to arrive at our final location for filming on time, to set up the tent and any other equipment needed to be sorted out.

To ensure of actors knew when and where we were going to be filming, and to be organised, we made a filming schedule highlighting the meeting points, dates and times.  This is the letter we gave them:

Hello actor,

Congratulations on getting the part of Eugene Snodgrass/Doobie Journey/Mac Donald! 

As our film opening is set in the rural location of a field, we hope it will not be too inconvenient for you that we will need to film on a weekend.

The Gemini Team have already chosen the location, which is nearby to our meet-up point.  If you could meet at: 50 Glebe Crescent, Broomfield, Chelmsford, Essex CM1 7BJ, on the Sunday 11th April at 10.30am to leave for location at 11.00am, which is a short 10-minute walk from our meet-up point. 

If there are any issues with the date or timings, please let us know as soon as possible.  We hope you can make it! 

The Gemini Team

-Sian Hayler-Magenis, Lauren Tween