Thursday 8 March 2012

Casting - Holding Auditions

We will need to hold auditions in order to find the ideal actors for our characters. By auditioning a range of people, it can be further ensured that the actors we have suit the character's roles and can take directions. Using an audition script (an extract from our draft script) we will allow them to interpret their lines however they wish and then give them particular directions which will hopefully change how their lines are said- therefore making us able to judge on their different abilities and manner in which they take directions.

After auditions are held, we will need to discuss as a group who we think the best actor is and politely inform the auditionees of the results. Auditions will be filmed and edited in a video afterwards to clearly express our views on each person who auditions.

We have chosen a list of possible actors that we feel would be suited for our characters and have asked them if they would wish to participate, as well as where and when the auditions will be held in advance- at a lunch time in the media room.

This is the invitation we sent the actors auditioning:

Hello auditionees!
Thank you for volunteering to audition for a part in our film opening. As you already know, there are three parts available and when you arrive a script will be provided for each character. Costumes and other things will not be needed as you will be judged solely on acting ability. The auditions will be filmed and you will be informed afterwards if you have gotten the part! Here is some information on each character so that you can choose which part you wish to audition for:

Eugene Snodgrass (Nerd)
He is a stereotypically socially awkward person, suited more to things other than social events, such as studying, computer programming and reading. Despite his lack of social skills he is very intelligent and has a wide range of knowledge. He has a very stereotypical appearance and voice.

Mac Donald (Farmer)
Being a farmer, he spends most of his time at his farm. He isn't very intelligent in the same way that Eugene is, but knows a lot about physical labour as well as how to care for cattle. He has strong views on the environment and keeping it clean as it is where he lives and doesn't want to see it ruined.

Doobie Journey (Hippie)
Doobie Journey is the loudest character of the lot, having the strongest views on environmental cleaniness and has the wardrobe to match his 'outrageous' attitude. At the same time he can be very relaxed and chill, often spending time enjoying nature and drinking herbal tea.

Hopefully these will give a good insight into the character's personalities and will inspire you into portraying the characters in the way you think they would be.
The location for our auditions will be in the media studies room up near the science office Monday 11th March at lunchtime and if this is inconvenient for you, please let us know so that we can rearrange. Once again thank you very much for volunteering as we are very grateful and good luck!
-The Gemini Team

-Sian Hayler-Magenis

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