Saturday 17 March 2012

Institutional Name and Logo

 At the start of every film, there is an institutional title and logo. It allows them to brand what they produce. Normally the title and logo are combined, but its not always the case. At the beginning of films, it will normally consist of more than one of production  company. These are normally presented in the beginning film by being shown as being 'association' with another production company.

There is a major difference between Mainstream institutional logos and independent film institutional logos. The Mainstream institutional logos are more complicated as the production companies are more well known therefore they have more money to spend on technology that allows them to create a logo. On the other hand independent film production companies do not have as much as funding compared to mainstream film production companies.

History of the logo

Back in the day, logos were very simple and no special effects were used within in them due to the lack of the development of technology. More effort was put in into logos as the studios grew. Motion and sound was introduced within the use of logos. A infamous example of this was MGM using Leo the Lion.

Sian's Logo

For this logo I thought about how horoscopes and the term 'gemini' relates to constellations and stars, which I wanted to incorporate in my logo design. I chose to design it digitally as I found it easier to show how I wanted the logo to appear and animated- that the stars would appear randomly, then forming the word 'gemini'. Alongside this, I think the sound used for this logo could be slow and calm as typically independent logos are not as extravagant or complex as logos from mainstream institutions. 
I attempted to make the animation for this logo through a gif animation, using Adobe Photoshop CS3:
After much discussion, we decided to use the above logo in our movie.

Lauren's Logos

My first logo is a play on our production companies' name: Gemini; where there's a GEM IN an EYE ('Gem' , 'in', 'i').  I think, visually, it looks better without the production company name surrounding it, however it may be quite obscure to an audience without the name to reveal why that is our logo.

My second logo idea reverted back to Sian's horoscope trail of thought. Gemini, as a birth sign, is twins and so I incorporated these into the word Gemini, dotting the I's with identical faces. 

Other logo ideas:

-Sian Hayler-Magenis, Lauren Tween, Amy Bowman, Leyla Cindil  

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