Saturday 17 March 2012

Film Opening Scenes

  1. Introduction of scenery - Audience gets an idea of where the film is set. Rural theme will be shown by the flora and fauna withinn the scene.
  2. Introduction of characters - Characters are introduced through the shots of actors doing their stereotypical attributes. This is when the audience will recognise that the genre of our film is Comedy due to the hilarity of the composition so far. In our opening, the characters name are announced in the form of the register being taken. By the end of this scene , the audience are fully intergrated with the characters, are able to make their own assumptions and views about what they have seen so far.
  3. Phone rings - This is the ending section of our opening, which involves firstly, the nerd character dropping the phone, allowing us to see his stereotypical reaction in this modern technological scenario. We then see the hippie character answer the phone, portraying to the audience that he is most confident from the three and his cup of tea connotes his laid back nature. This scene concludes the opening whilst furthering the storyline.
- Leyla Cindil, Amy Bowman, Lauren Tween

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