Friday 10 February 2012

Audience Expectations Analysis

These are the summaries and analysis for each of the audience expectations research we did into genre, as a group:

Comedy Genre

  • Jazz music
  • To see something funny e.g. someone falling over
  • General everyday occurances 
  • to see the main character within the first 2 minutes
  • Expect to see stereotypical characters such as: Drunken Irish, Overweight American, Camp Homosexual Male

Romance Genre

The majority of people asked expected films of the romance genre to be funny; more like a rom-com.  Older audiences and younger audiences suggested that the main characters would be introduced almost straight away with some sort of voice-over or happy/cheesy music as accompaniment. 

Horror Genre
From gathering research from our possible target audience, I saw that most peeople thought that similar things would happen in the film.

They thought:

  • There would be weapons (guns, knives, blades,axes)
  • a mysterious person (killer, ghost, zombie, demon)
  • Will be set at night or in the dark
  • Will have loud sound effects (screaming, gunshots)
  • Innocent Victim
  • Unresolved ending

Action Genre

From the research, we found out that older audiences (around 30-40 years old) expect a fight as the main action scene or climax in an action film. Younger audiences (14-19 years old) on the other hand, expect a build up of suspense that could lead to a different type of action scene such as a car chase. Both age groups mostly expect the main character to be male and middle aged, but others believe there could be a male or female main character. All types of audience expect an introduction of main characters in the first two minutes, alongside a setting of the scene.

The information we have gathered from research into different genres and audience expectations will help us to decide on the final genre for our film opening, and this information can also be used to pick up generic conventions and other things we may want to consider in our piece.

-Sian Hayler-Magenis, Lauren Tween, Amy Bowman, Leyla Cindil

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