Sunday 12 February 2012


Before we begin filming, in order to be more organised, we need to have an idea of the costumes our characters will wear. 
Eugene Snodgrass

-Short trousers pulled up to waist
-Socks pulled up
-Slicked back hair
-Bowtie and braces

As a group, we thought the character of Eugene, should be the most stereotypical of the three, to his type of character as a nerd. We thought that using the stereotype to the extreme would be a good idea, as from research we know that many existing comedy films do this to their advantage. We want to show that he is an outcast in the wider community, we do this by making the costume something which socially average teenagers do not wear. By the costume including glasses, connotations are made to the character's high intelligence and the excessively smart dressed clothing (braces and bowtie) suggests he has little knowledge of what clothing is suitable in social situations.

Doobie Journey

-Green t-shirt
-Baggy trousers

Originally we thought about giving this character the appearance of a 'classic' hippie but decided it would suit better as being more modern. By giving this character a casual and laid back appearance that still has aspects of the 'hippie' or 'environmentalist' stereotype, they are still identifiable as such without it being too garish or over the top.
Certain aspects of this costume which still allow him to stand out as following a stereotype are things such as the design on his shirt and the peace sign necklace he will wear.
Another reason we decided to choose a more modern look for Doobie is that these clothes are also easier to get than the previous hippie costume.
We also decided that this character would be the most socially accepted out of the three, therefore by making him wear almost average clothing, this point is indicated to the audience.  
Mac Donald

-Check shirt/ shirt
-Dungarees (if possible, if not, baggy jeans)
-Flat cap/straw hat (if possible)

As our film is a rural comedy, we felt it necessary to include a farmer stereotype amongst the three main characters. To show the type of character he is, we have chosen Mac to dress in symbolic farmer clothing, such as wellies and dungarees. It also shows us about his personality type, that he doesn't mind what he wears as his clothing would often become dirty working on a farm anyway. Although his clothing does not make him a social outcast, his clothing is still different from other people of his age, showing that he cares more about his job and lifestyle, than he does popularity.

In order to get this costume pieces we will first ask our chosen actors if they have any of these items. If not, we will supply our own things or buy them if necessary and changes to the costumes may be made if needed. Some items of clothing we already own, such as parts of the hippie costume and the nerd costume (such as the bowtie and braces).

-Lauren Tween, Amy Bowman, Sian Hayler-Magenis

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