Saturday 11 February 2012

Character Profiles

Name: Eugene Snodgrass
Age: 17
Social status: Nerd
Hobbies: Other than superhero meetings and education, he enjoys nothing more than to relax whilst doing maths for fun and reading the dictionary.
Ambitions: With an outstanding IQ of 170, he is extremely smart and can be anything and achieve everything, such as - he believes - creating superpowers in his home lab to test on himself and friends: this is his life's ambition.
Other: Eugene is a lonely character, who's only 2 friends are those at the superhero meetings, however, he likes it this way.  He dresses stereotypically to his nerd profile.

Name: Mac Donald
Age: 17
Social status: Farmer boy
Hobbies: Riding his tractors and looking at his dream tractors on tractor trading websites. Milking cows, goats and admiring his livestock in general. Playing on Runescape and killing the cows to gain leveling experience!  He enjoys playing his guitar - in his head he is Brian May, although his friends probably wouldn't agree.
Ambitions: To be a superhero in his field, and be an idol for all farmers. To gain level 120 on Runescape. He also dreams that one day, statues of himself will be erected on every farm in the UK.
Other: Mac loves his animals, the outside, and on line world. He has grown up on his families' farm.

Name: Doobie Journey
Age: 16
Social status: Class weirdo
Hobbies: Recycling, learning new 'hippie' phrases and language and extending his collection of animal faeces.
Ambitions: Doobie aspires to heal the world and is a Green Peace supporter; be a full-time, practising hippie by day/superhero by night; become a member of the Naturist Society and grow dreadlocks.
Other: 'Doobie Journey' is the adopted name he likes his friends to call him - or 'DJ' for short.  His real name is Dave Jackson.

Each of the three friends all have one thing in common: they all LOVE comic books and superheroes.

-Lauren Tween, Amy Bowman

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