Wednesday 15 February 2012

List of Scenes

To create our film opening, it is important to understand what would unfold in the rest of the storyline of the movie, if we were to make the whole film.
Below is the mind map we created, it consists of our initial ideas for the start, middle and end of the whole movie. 
here is a rough storyline I have made from the mindmap above, which Gemini created.
In the beginning of our movie, the audience are introduced to the three main protagonists and we learn about their lives and personalities. These are the rural superheros, who will appear in our opening sequence. Once the audience are fully established with these characters, we then introduce the three antagonists, the urban superheros. As an audience member it is easy to tell that this group are the opposite and enemy's of the rural superheros. 
In the middle of our movie, the action starts. The rurals soon realise the urban's wicked plan to build an Internet cafe for one of their nans, in a peaceful field, which angers the rural hero's. This starts a conflict between the two teams,which builds up to a physical fight. One of the protagonist is close to death, when he calls a truce, and offers a game of tiddlywinks, between the teams to decide who should get the land. 
The ending starts with the end of the crucial game of tiddlywinks. We watch as the close match comes to a finish and the rural superheros beat the urban hero's. Although the urbans are of course very angry and upset and know their plan for an internet cafe can no longer be followed up, they understand that they have been beaten, and start on the long trip home. The rurals being the kind people they are, felt sorry for the urban's, and they discuss what they could offer to them to help their nan. Out of money they have raised from running stalls at village fates, the rural's give the urban's a USB dongle as a gift for the nan so she can access the world wide web. This is an emotional scene which ends in the two sets of superheros becoming best friends, and they live happily ever after.  

-Amy Bowman

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