Saturday 11 February 2012


We have planned for our film to be of the comedy genre, fitting somewhere in the subgenre of a teenage comedy.

Mise-en-scene is particularly important in our film opening as the synposis given mentions that the film must be an 'urban comedy.' Because of this, location is key and this is why we have primarily chosen for the film opening to be set in a field-like setting to instantly bring this across to the audience.

Costumes are also important for our film opening, as a key convention of the comedy genre is stereotypes. Our characters are built heavily on stereotypes- a nerd, hippie and a farmer- and so they will have to look the part with obvious parts of their costume linking with their stereotypes. This also means that their stereotypes will become more convincing.

Overall, mise-en-scene is important in our film opening and the general film plan, as a whole as the first two minutes allow the audience to give an impression on the rest of it. Costumes and location are particularly important due to our film genre- comedy- as it is specified that our film will be an urban comedy and therefore has to fit this.

-Sian Hayler-Magenis, Amy Bowman

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